New Dieting Adventures

Recently, my wonderful husband went to the doctor and got a bad report on his health. This came after months of consistent exercising: two-a-days at that! My sweet husband who has been there for me through all of life’s challenges was so discouraged. Why, after all this effort, was there no change in health and now there has to be even more massive changes made? He has sacrificed much on our journey over the last couple of years. He has tried to diet only to lose the way when my health would decline. It is just human nature, when life gets tough, you do what you have to do to fight and that doesn’t always include eating balanced meals. So, instead of stay in a state of wallowing, He pushes through to make complete life changes. Now, it was my time to repay his loving generosity of always taking care of my health and find a good diet plan that would hopefully work. It would need to be one we could maintain to provide measurable success. I did a lot of research and we landed on 21 day FIX. I will be honest, I was overwhelmed at first. I was trying to figure out all the little containers and how to make it work throughout his day. I finally made a menu for Monday…whew, that was difficult! I had a toddler running around as well asking 300 hundred questions. I thought I am never going to make it through this and will definitely not even make it to Tuesday! Well, then Tuesday came, then Wednesday. It got a little easier each day. I started to get excited planning out his meals and seeing what all I could get in there.

My only qualms at this point are variety.  However, I think that is more my problem and not the diet. So, if any of you have ideas on different snacks that are super healthy…I am all ears!! I am having difficulty fitting all of the required containers with different foods. There are 6 red containers (protein), 4 purples (fruit), 6 greens (veggies), 4 yellows (carbs), 1 blue (Healthy Fats), 1 orange (Seeds and Dressings), and 6 teaspoons of oils and nut butters. In reality, it is a lot of food allowed. But, it is nutritional and healthy food. I love being able to cook clean food for our family. Well, honestly, my husband does pretty much all the cooking because of my back…but still. (: I am currently using Pinterest as a really handy resource. Here is a link to my board of 21 Day Fix approved recipes and shopping lists. They are super handy!

Dieting, to me, is an adventure

Dieting, to me, is an adventure. You can add so many different spices to completely change up a meal. I am ready to start making smoothies, as well, to start getting more fruits and veggies into the diet without just eating them fresh or cooked. Everyone has a different diet plan they like to use-some have worked miracles and some have not. I am so interested in hearing about what diet plans have worked well for you. Please share! And feel free to share any healthy recipes or snack ideas. I would love to hear it!